~'~,~@ It's MY Wonderful Life @~,~'~

Thursday, July 1, 2004

Pregnancy Email to Christine - 6 months

I went to the dr today and for the first time everything looked perfect. I'm measuring 27 weeks. I've only gained 1/2 pound in the last 2 weeks (16 total pregnancy). My blood pressure was 120/70. Colin's heartrate was 150's. My average blood sugar over the last 2 weeks was 103, which is remarkable. They didn't increase my insulin for the first time since I started. I also got my Rhogam shot. It hurt for a second because the needle was real thick, but it went away right away. I had no sugar, protein, leukocytes, or ketones in my urine (had some protein Tuesday). And only 82 days until he is born!
Take care!


Hello,Sounds really great. I am glad things looked good. Keep up the good work!!!
Talk to you later!!