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Friday, January 11, 2008

How to Deal with Hypos

If you are diabetic, or know someone who is, you will appreciate this I'm sure. Courtesy of a fellow dlifer.

We've all been there... hypo time, and a confuzzled brain... no idea what you are doing... so here is a guide to what NOT to do when you are trying to treat a hypo...

1... Don't stare at your meter for 5 minutes as though you can simply will your bg to come up with the power of your mind... chances are, it wont work, and you will look like a dummy... or pass out.

2...Don't wander into the kitchen, stand there scratching your head in wonder, then back into the lounge while you try to figure out what you are doing. The exercise while you wander back and forth will only succeed in lowering your bg further... and again, you will look like a dummy... or pass out.

3... Don't believe that water will bring your bg up. It doesn't work. Soda works. Or Juice. Or glucose, jelly beans, fruit... even straight sugar!! But water... no. Oh, and spilling it everywhere as you drop lower and lower will make you look like a dummy. And you may pass out.

4...Don't decide that it's a fun game to see how low you can go before you pass out... Chances are you will actually pass out. And if you do that, you wont be able to test to see how low you went... which defeats the purpose of your experiment.

5... Don't over do it. The candy is good, true. And yeah, you need some. SOME!!! I said SOME!!! Not all of it!! 100g of carbs from candy will send your bg high... Not that you care right now... coz you are low, and man, that candy is good... and... okay, at least wipe the chocolate off of your face.

6. Finally, don't strip. Yes, you are hot and sweaty. Yes, you are confuzzled and disorientated. But that does NOT make getting naked a good idea. Especially if you still haven’t treated... you might pass out... and only the paramedics will be happy when you awaken naked...


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, At January 15, 2008 at 12:52 AM  

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