~'~,~@ It's MY Wonderful Life @~,~'~

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Pregnancy Email to Christine

Yesterday I called my drs office because of all the swelling in my legs & feet. I told them I was having a headache for 2 days in a row and I was seeing spots. So they told me to come in to the office. My bp was 162/108 and later it was a little lower. I had some protein going on in my urine so they told me to go to the hospital for monitoring. So I went to the hospital and had 2 of the nicest nurses in the world. They even signed themselves up for our delivery Sept 21st. They hooked me up to all these machines that checked his heartrate, uterine activity, and my bp every 15 minutes. They drew blood to check my liver & kidneys. My bp dropped dramatically when I laid on my left side and his heartrate was really good. I was also having painless, regular contractions. My blood & urine tests only showed I had a bladder infection. The dr wants me on 48 hour bedrest and then they want me to come in tomorrow to be reevaluated. Hopefully I can go back to work on Monday because I really need the money. It feels good to finally get some rest, but time isn't going by too quickly. I feel so bad for people who are on bedrest for longer. Just thought I'd let you know how things were going. 26 more days to go!!!!!!

Hello Amy,I hope things are going better for you. I am glad you had a good experience at the hospital, makes a big difference when the nurses are nice. That is what I keep telling my students!!! Let us know what they say when you go back to get re-evaluated. I know working is important and you need the money but do not let that take over what is really important...taking care of you and the baby. Oh I was wondering, I know when we were down there you had talked about getting married in Aug? or Sept? I do not remember....if you already did congrats!!!! Let me know. What else do you guys need for the baby? Let me know want to get you something but do not want to repeat it

Take Care,