~'~,~@ It's MY Wonderful Life @~,~'~

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Getting Started

I didn't make it to bed until 1:30 am last night. Colin decided to wake up to eat. Then he woke up again around 4:30 to eat and never went back to sleep. I gave him to Marty at 6:30 so I could get Cody ready for school. After dropping Cody off I went to meet with the guy at the company I'm making the site for. He got the domain name set up and the hosting was giving us trouble. Since he had another meeting to get ready for, I left and went home. Shortly after I got home he called me back because he was having trouble with it again. I talked him through it and he let me go. He ended up having to call me about 4 times. But he got it going!

Then I went in the bedroom with Marty & Colin and went to sleep. He had Fox News on and while I slept I was listening to what was going on and dreamt I was in Iraq. It was so scary. I can't imagine what it is like really being there. Or taken hostage. That's a place filled with pure evil. I hope things get better there.

Well, I finally started on the website more.

Oh my Mom just sent an email telling me to call her when I got that message. Hope nothing is wrong.....


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