~'~,~@ It's MY Wonderful Life @~,~'~

Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Blog Post of 2007

Well, this is it! My last blog of the year. It's been a pretty eventful year for all of us. Hmmm... let me just review my year.

January - I started Anatomy & Physiology II in college. My professor was pretty cool. Mr. Hosseini. I also left my job at CR Bard. I wasn't sad at all. The job itself was nice. I met lots of really cool people that I still keep in touch with. But got to know 3 absolutely freaked out women that I'm happy to never work with again! LOL

February - We got our tax return back and it all went to getting a new engine on Marty's car. ARGH!

March - I don't remember March.

April - I was offered a position back at my old job at Hill-Phoenix. This was an opportunity to be back with all of my best friends. My old boss was quitting and my best friend was about to go on maternity leave.

May - This was a cool month of nothing but TRAINING! Every day we swore would be my friends last day at work. Nope, she never did have him in May.

June - She eventually has her little boy this month. I know she felt so relieved! I started Summer Semester (my 5th college semester). It consisted of Microbiology lecture and lab and Public Speaking. Ugh. LOL. Fortunately I passed! YAY!

July - This was a HOT month! AHHH! And it seemed it was all work and school. No fun LOL Cody also started middle school. 6th grade!

August - This was my last month back at HP. My friend came back and I started NURSING SCHOOL!!!!!!! My mom also came down to visit for 2 weeks. That was nice having her there. Unfortunately while she was here I ended up with horrible stomach pains that never really went away. After a trip to the ER and being pumped full of some wonderful IV drugs I found out I had a peptic ulcer. Figures! Why not?

September - It was stressful. Especially since we were frontloading in school. There was also a bunch of run around as to where we were going to be doing clinicals. In the end I found out I was at Dekalb Medical in Cardiac Telemetry. Colin also turned 3 years old.

October - The lecture schedule started to lighten up and clinicals started. Besides getting up at 5 am to meet my patients at 6:30 clinicals were great! I was finally playing nurse!

November - Clinicals finished up and we got lots of breaks from school. Cody also turned 12. Wow. He's getting so old! He got a Razr cellphone and couldn't be happier!

December - I passed nursing with a B! I would have been surprised with a C. I also received my first assignments for next semesters nursing and got started on it. I'm going to really work hard this semester, like every other semester. I also found out my clinical assignment would be at St Josephs in Atlanta. I am SO not happy about that, but there's nothing I can do. I also hit the big 30 this month. I feel so different. Even slightly depressed! I'm OLD! One of my friends also lost her husband on the same day her daughter died 3 years ago. That was so rough. But my prayers are definitely with her.

January 2008 - Well, all I can say is that I hope it's a great year. I'll almost be done with nursing. This has been such a long and hard journey, but one I would go through again to get my masters degree. I will also be going for a follow up appointment with my new endocrinologist. I think he's wonderful and has some great plans for my diabetes. YAY!