~'~,~@ It's MY Wonderful Life @~,~'~

Friday, November 19, 2004

Adding Emails from my Pregnancy

Today I am going to start adding emails that I sent to people while I was pregnant with Colin. I didn't keep a physical diary while I was pregnant and I regret that. I lost a baby October 2003 and I kept a diary with that baby. Once I was pregnant with Colin I was too scared to do anything that I did with the last baby. We called it Baby Bear. I was Momma Bear LOL But maybe with the emails I saved with my pregnancy I can use that as a diary.

Today I sent out for a diet patch. I've lost alot of weight since Colin was born. I'm already weighing less than I did before he was born. But I want to be back down to the 110-120 that I was before Cody. Right now I have 50 pounds to go. Whew! I also sent out for an ebook on how to make money on ebay. It's something I've been doing research on for the last month or two and I'm really considering it. We will see how that goes!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hump Day

Today is Wednesday already. Can't wait until Friday.

I called my mom last night. She was a mess. She said my brother and his girlfriend were splitting up. They've been together for 6 years and have a little girl. The four of them live together. My brother is a firefighter/paramedic and I think his jobs is too stressful for him. I don't think he should quit, I just think he needs counseling. There's a bunch of changes that they are talking about, but I don't think everything will end up happening. He really needs help. He's been pretty screwy with his girlfriend too. I really don't see him being with anyone else. My $25 says they will work it all out.

I looked online too see how much a plane ticket would be for my mom to fly down. If she does it right, it would be $59 each way. But with her job I don't see her getting time off. But she needs to get away.

I've got SO much done tonight. I've got dishes done, 3 loads of laundry done, my bedroom cleaned, and supper cooked. Colin goes to the doctor tomorrow. His rash has gotten worse and he's got mucous in his stools. They want to check it to see if he's passing a little blood too.

Well, it's off to bed for me!

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Getting Started

I didn't make it to bed until 1:30 am last night. Colin decided to wake up to eat. Then he woke up again around 4:30 to eat and never went back to sleep. I gave him to Marty at 6:30 so I could get Cody ready for school. After dropping Cody off I went to meet with the guy at the company I'm making the site for. He got the domain name set up and the hosting was giving us trouble. Since he had another meeting to get ready for, I left and went home. Shortly after I got home he called me back because he was having trouble with it again. I talked him through it and he let me go. He ended up having to call me about 4 times. But he got it going!

Then I went in the bedroom with Marty & Colin and went to sleep. He had Fox News on and while I slept I was listening to what was going on and dreamt I was in Iraq. It was so scary. I can't imagine what it is like really being there. Or taken hostage. That's a place filled with pure evil. I hope things get better there.

Well, I finally started on the website more.

Oh my Mom just sent an email telling me to call her when I got that message. Hope nothing is wrong.....

Monday, November 8, 2004

The Deal

Well I had the meeting this morning and they've decided to go with me for their webpage development. I have to go back again tomorrow morning to set up the domain name and hosting. I am so tired. I went to bed yesterday around 2am. I got up at 6:30 and stayed up. I took a nap around 4 until 5:30. I'm ready to drop. I'm still up because I got started on the color scheme for the web page and got started on their logo. I also tried looking at one of their competitors websites, but it was so heavy with Flash that it kept locking up my computer.

Cody and his friend are both grounded for a week. He stayed with his friend and her friend while we went to church yesterday. When we were leaving, he wanted the house key and we told him no. Turns out before we left he unlocked the back door so he could get back in the house. While we were gone, the friend of his friend went into our bedroom and went through all of our drawers. We figured it out as soon as we got home and boy did Cody get in trouble! His birthday get-together is Saturday and I'd hate for him not to have his friend over for it. Plus school is out Thursday and it *would* be nice for him to play with her that day. I'll talk to her mom and see if she's been on good behaviour. Maybe we can take them off of their punishment a little bit in advance... but I don't want them not to learn their lesson. UGH!

Well, I'm off to bed! Maybe I'll have to post again tomorrow?????????

Saturday, November 6, 2004

A Nice Saturday

Today was nice. Cody had a few friends sleep over last night and they were up early. Helped me to wake up with the baby. I'm trying to lose the extra baby pounds so I had 3 cups of coffee and didn't eat until 7 tonight. What did I do after that? Started a fire in the fireplace and roasted marshmallows! Of course!

I got the kids email accounts so I could register them with a Santa's Wish List at walmart.com. I had fun making a list for the baby. I'll have Cody make his tomorrow so everyone knows what he wants. He's hard to shop for sometimes. He really needs jeans. He wears through jeans so quickly.

I'm excited about Christmas this year. I hope we get snow, which it's unlikely. I miss Christmas in Ohio, where I grew up. We always had lots of snow to go with Christmas.

I had a very nice day being with Marty. I love him so much. My days are always wonderful when we're together.

Well, need to get to bed! Church and Steelers game tomorrow. We are going to Atlanta to show Colin off to everyone at the Steelers bar!

Friday, November 5, 2004

The Call

This morning I woke up when Marty came to me saying I had a phone call. It turned out to be one of the guys I had an interview with the other day. He said the interview went well with me and they were calling some people back for another interview. There are two other people who have more Quickbooks experience. But if things don't work out with them... But they want to meet with me on Monday morning to negotiate a deal designing their webpage. They said the work I did with my last jobs website was impressive and they want to use me. The amount of money I would get from that would come in just in time for the holidays. Plus Marty is selling his vacation. There's alot more money. Maybe someone is looking out for us, after all.

The baby has a bad diaper rash. I think the reason why is that Halloween was last weekend and I ate lots of chocolate since then. I'm breast feeding and supplimenting with a soy formula because he's allergic to milk-based formulas. I think eating the chocolate has a bad effect on him. He's got a horrible diaper rash. The poor baby SCREAMS when changing his diaper. He's got diarrhea too, which means I have to change him all the time. I don't want him sitting in the mess and making the rash worse. I've used Desitin creamy and he screams after I put it on. I don't think it's supposed to burn, but it does. So I'm trying cornstarch powder. It's just not helping. I've tried airing him out too. I've stopped eating the chocolate of course. Now I'm just waiting for the rash to clear. I just hope he isn't having a reaction to the ProSobee. Then he'd have to go on the hypo-allergenic formula, Nutramigen. I can't afford it right now. I have an appointment with WIC in a few weeks to see if I qualify. That would help so much.

Well, I still have alot of work to do around the house so I'm out!

Thursday, November 4, 2004


Well this is my first posting. I don't know why I'm even starting this, I guess I'm so bored that it's something that seems interesting. I have an 8 year old son, who has a birthday in a few weeks. He just became a big brother 2 months ago. My boss made sure that while I was pregnant he'd try making my life a living hell. Him and his wife both. They were crazy! It did get tough. They piled more and more work on me and picked fights all the time. No wonder my blood pressure shot up after awhile. I ended up hospitalized and released on bedrest. About a week later I was hospitalized because the high blood pressure turned into Pre-Eclampsia. I was only about 35 weeks pregnant, but they had to do something, so they did an amnio to see if Colin's lungs were mature. They were so the next morning he was born by cesarean. He was a big 8 pounds 6 ounces! Pretty incredible considering he was premature. He ended up having trouble breathing and needed to be put on a ventilator. He came home a week later. My mom spent about a month and some here. She wants to move down. I think I'm considering it very seriously. The blood pressure problems continued after delivery, probubly because my boss didn't let up. He gave my job away to an old high school friend of his wife's. He offered me part-time afternoons. What a jerk. He knew I couldn't work that. Even at $12 an hour everything I would make would go to childcare. He KNEW that. I wish he had more employees because I'd sue his ass. But when I think about it, I won out. If I went back there, things never would have changed. I'd be stressed and with a new baby it wouldn't have been good. I'm happier than I have been in so long. I'm home with my fiance, Marty, more and I enjoy every minute of it. Plus I have time with Cody. He's not in child care until late and he has more times with his friends. Plus I have more time to take care of the house.

Well, it is time for me to get other things done. I'll have to do this again tomorrow!